Saturday, June 23, 2012

The creativity

"Clean out a corner of your mind and creativity will instantly fill it." (Dee Hock) 

How creative are you?  I mean realistically.  Don't fool yourself.  How often do you create something?  Something new, innovative, and fresh?  I think all of us would like to think of ourselves as "creative", but often times we are not as creative as we think we are.  Society would not run if creative people did not exist.  Think of all of the engineers, architects, and people behind everything that makes our country productive.  These types of people create what is necessary for survival.  What about the artists?  The musicians, the painters, the writers, and the dancers.  They most definitely create!  How about the rest of us?  The psychologists, the business-types, the waiters, the teachers, the lawyers, the social workers, the custodians, the chefs, the factory workers, the nurses, and the doctors.  Do you create?

In most of our daily lives, we are working with something that someone else already created.  We study the theories, the ethics, and the practices that were invented by someone else long ago.  We work with the recipes, the lesson plans, and building materials that were created by someone else.  Our society functions on a large chain.  We each have our own duty to conform to and fulfill before someone else reaps the benefits of what we do.  The musician must have an instrument to perform on.  The doctor must have the tools to complete surgery.  The custodian must have cleaning supplies created by someone else.  How often do you think of this?  How often are you thankful for the person who created the pen you write with, the bed that doesn't break from under you at night, the flour you bake with, and your I-phone you are so obsessed with? 

All of this is said to say, be more creative!  Set aside time each day to do something new and innovative.  Whether it be journaling thoughts, learning a new musical piece (or creating your own!), or enjoying a new work-out move YOU created!  Ask the questions "why" and "how"?  Spark your imagination.  Allow your mind to wander and be curious about the world.  Learn something brand new everyday of your life.  Don't be afraid to stand out as an INDIVIDUAL and to stand up for what is TRUE.  And never, ever forget who created all things beautiful.  The most creative being to ever have lived is Jesus Christ.  "For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him." Colossians 1:16.  Without Him, we have nothing.  No hands to build, no minds to think, no nature to admire, no hearts to love.  But with Him, we have EVERYTHING.  Acceptance of Jesus Christ and belief in His death on the cross and resurrection from the grave means that YOU can be set free.  Set free from the worries of this life.  Set free from fear of where you'll spend eternity.  You can live life more beautiful than you ever could imagine!  Allow yourself to enjoy things that He created.  Be grateful for the people the surround you and the things that surround you.  Be thankful for the mind and body He gave to you to live life here on this earth.  Be creative, be thankful, and live life beautiful! 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The simplicity

I must admit, I am a tad bit embarrassed by the amount of time that has passed since my last post. I am going to try my hardest to begin writing again, for a longer length of time, and more consistently.

I cannot begin to write about the things God has taught me and walked me through the past two years. There has been an incredible amount of growth and learning, pain and loving, and most importantly, God has opened my eyes to look at life in a completely different way. I have been open to knew experiences and have reflected on my life in ways I never have before. The past 6 months of my life have truly been the most beautiful - and I am in complete awe of God's power to make things bright and new! ("Behold, I am making all things new." Revelation 21:5)

To begin this blog again, I am going to write about something that has been deeply ingrained and embedded in my soul - to live simply. Not simple in the sense of apathy about life or being content in a negative way, but simple in a way where you do not get caught up in the ways of the world and try to live a life too full of stuff. I believe that when you strive to live a simple life, you allow yourself to cultivate your life in ways you never imagined you could because it is not filled with things that don't matter.

sim·ple/ˈsɪmpəl/ [sim-puhl]
1. easy to understand, deal with, use, etc.: a simple matter; simple tools.
2. not elaborate or artificial; plain: a simple style.
3. not ornate or luxurious; unadorned: a simple gown.
4. unaffected; unassuming; modest: a simple manner.
5. not complicated: a simple design.

As children of God, we are called to be content and satisfied in Christ. Christ is the source of all satisfaction and total satisfaction. We may not experience full satisfaction in our earthly lives, but we receive complete satisfaction by having hope that we spend eternity with Christ. We experience partial satisfaction in the here and now through hope, forgiveness, and the growing power to love. We will experience total satisfaction when we are made perfect in a perfect world - heaven.

That said, I believe living simply in our earthly lives contributes to cultivating our lives in ways that are heavenly directed. We need to focus more on the heavenly and less on the earthly. Don't be so concerned with what kind of car you drive, if you have the latest cellular device, how big your house is, or what kind of clothes you wear. Be concerned with obeying and loving the Lord, caring and loving your fellow human beings, and with making life be full of joy, peace, humility - and so many other things! Be concerned with improving your internal, natural qualities that you have been gifted with. Be concerned about living a life that is full of compassion and giving of yourself to others. Be concerned with de-cluttering your life and organizing it in a way that will encourage you to daily live life focused on heavenly things.

Be encouraged by Paul in Philippians 4:11-13:
"I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength."

Also be reminded to "be content with what you have, rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.” (Lao Tzu)

Cling to simplicity. Enjoy the little things. Search for and discover the things that truly matter in this life. Believe that there is hope and peace now and in the future. Live life beautifully.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The beauty

What do you find beautiful? The people you love? Your house? Nature? Think of all that this world claims to be 'beautiful.' Muscular physiques. Rail thin figures. Flawless skin. How did we, as humans, come to know what beauty really is? Did our parents tell us when we came out of the womb? I don't think so. Did the media do it to us? Possibly. Did our own minds conjure up the idea of how we perceive beauty? Of course! What if we all looked at beauty with innocent eyes? Tried to see something beautiful in everyone and everything? Look around, right now. What do you see? Pick out one thing and think of how you could perceive it as beautiful. It's all in our perspective.

Do you think that Christ had some image layed in His mind of what 'beautiful' really was? Do you think He looked at people and said, "she's overweight, he's too skinny, her hair isn't straight enough, his shoes are too old"? No. Of course He didn't. He sees all as beautiful. The ugly duck, the 3-legged dog, the grasshopper with no leg. The girl who wears the glasses, the boy whose pants are too short. All are perfect and gorgeous in His eyes.

Look at all of the smiles, bright eyes, and pep in people today. Find beauty in nature. The clouds, the rain, the hot (or cold) temperature. When people are rude and mean, see the beauty, kill them with kindness if you must. If that doesn't soften their hearts, pray for them. Pray that they may come to know true beauty. See people with eyes like Jesus has. This life is a beautiful one, full of beautiful people.

Monday, September 14, 2009

The comforter

The Comforter. No, not the big, cozy, fluffy thing that covers you and keeps you warm when you sleep at night. The Comforter. The One who is the only thing in the universe that can bring you true comfort. Not just comfort - everything. Peace, joy, love, happiness.

I know I've been slacking a little --- okay --- a lot --- when it comes to writing my blogs, but that's because I've been getting situated in a familiar and new place. Aggieland. Anyway, since I've been here, I've had a lot of time to think, pray, and be with beautiful friends. The past couple of weeks have been pretty mellow. Not a lot of school work or tests. But it's finally starting to pick up. I always get nervous when it comes to tests and quizzes. But I always find my comfort in our Lord Jesus.

It hit me yesterday after a short prayer time at church. "Cast all of your cares upon Him, for He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7 Have you ever thought about that verse? Really thought about it? Who else in this world will tell you "cast all of your cares upon me?" No one! No one loves and cares for you as much as sweet Jesus. How beautiful it is to know that He cares for us so incredibly much that we can lay all of our burdens, worries, stress, and daily struggles on His Mighty shoulders! How comforting. If you are having a stressful day or just have a lot to think about at once, think of 1 Peter 5:7. Enjoy having the weight of the world lifted off of your shoulders and placed in the loving hands of our Magnificent Creator. He died and rose again for US --- for YOU. He created you to be a light in this dark world. He loves you more than anything. He will always protect, care, and comfort. He will always be here for YOU - even when no one else is around.

What a beautiful life this is - being able to always have our King sitting by our side, writing love songs on our hearts, and making an eternal pathway for us to walk along. Enjoy today and remember the comfort that God brings to you. Try to share the comfort that our Lord freely gives with someone else today!

"For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows. If we are distressed, it is for your comfort and salvation; if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which produces in you patient endurance of the same sufferings we suffer. And our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our suffering, so also you share in our comfort." 2 Corinthians 1:5-7

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The home

What do you consider to be your home? Being with loved ones? Vacationing in your favorite spot? The place you grew up? The place that you have raised your children and have your own family? Being at 'home' is one of the most comforting things in this life. That place where you can completely relax and let every worry of the day pass away. The place that you long for when you are away from it.

What about our true home? How often do you think about that? Your eternal home in heaven. The place of no crying, shame, or war. The place of forever happiness, freedom from sin, and peace for all of eternity. What if we reminded ourselves of our true home more? Would your attitude change throughout the day? Try it. If you are down about life on earth, think of the place that brings everlasting joy. Let it be your motivation - a life forever with our Heavenly Father. Think of things above. Nothing on this earth matters. Why do we worry so much about the little things? About what someone says or does - what 'unlucky' things happen to us. What does it matter? It seems so important right now and that it will affect us for a long time - but will it really? How many people (including yourself) will remember the situation in 1 year, 6 months, or even a week? Do you think that our King wants us to worry about the petty things in this life?

Give all your worries to Him. Enjoy today - live for today. Who knows if tomorrow will be here. Find joy in thinking of what Heaven will be like. Try to think about it more than usual. I know I will. It's very inspiring and encouraging to think of something so pure and beautiful. To know, by faith, that my Father takes care of my every need and worry. To know that He has a place save just for me and you that is unimaginable and unexplainable.

Think about what a beautiful life this one is - and try to compare it to the one after this. Impossible to compare? I think, yes. Thankfully, yes. Joyfully, yes. We have no idea how wonderful it will be! Another marvelous mystery that we have to look forward to - all because of our Savior.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The offering

1. something offered in worship or devotion, as to a deity; an oblation or sacrifice
2. a contribution giving to or through the church for a particular purpose, as at a religious service
3. anything offered as a gift
4. something presented for inspection or sale
5. the act of one who offers

What if we all offered ourselves more? What if we sacrificed more? (offered and sacrificed for Christ-like things - not earthly) What a better place this world would be if people, Christians or not, simply gave things up for others? A seat on the bus, lended a few dollars, offered to help with children, or even just send a beautiful/handsome smile someones way.

Think of how our King, Jesus Christ, sacrificed and offered everything for us. EVERYTHING! What immense love? Why can't we learn to love like that? Why do some of our fellow 'Christians' act as if nothing goes their way, they hate the world, their lives, the people around them? What kind of example is that? Non-christians see the way those 'Christians' act and they themselves form an idea of what God is like. A Christian who portrays the image of Christ with love, purity, selflessness, and humility will then set a marvelous example for non-christians. A 'Christian' who portrays Christ with anger, impurity, selfishness, and arrogance will set a terrible example for non-christians. What if you are the only example that person ever sees of Christ? Will you be a good or bad one? Will they want to know God deeper or just move on with their empty lives?

I encourage all of you to look at how you act, no matter where you are or what you are doing. Is it pleasing to our Savior? Is it helpful or harmful to the person beside you? Are you sacrificing your selfish ways because Jesus Christ sacrificed His everything for YOU? Are you offering yourself to others - making their day a little better just because of a simple action?

Make this life be a beautiful one for someone else today. Make today be a beautiful day for all you come into contact with. Don't complain - encourage. Don't fight - be peaceful. Don't look down - look up. Don't make others feel less important - treat all as they are more important than you. Try to be more Christ-like. Strive for that everyday and naturally, your life will become a more beautiful one.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

The beginning

So honestly, I have no idea what I am doing. I was inspired to do this by a movie that I saw today. Julie Powell, blogging about her food experience while cooking her way through Julia Childs cookbook. I thought it looked pretty fun. Why not try it? I don't have one particular thing to blog about, but you've got to start somewhere, right?

I was surrounded by elderly people for most of the afternoon today. The movie theater I was in was full of them. Being around people who are older than me really makes me think about life. There is something about their spirit that is so innocent, so wise, so simple. They have lived through so much more than I have! Comparing our generation to the older generation - we seem so shallow, so selfish, so high maintenance. You can argue with me saying, "I'm sure they were just the same when they were young..." But were they? Did they get everything they asked for, right then and there? No. They didn't have computers, tv, cell phones, texting, fast cars, or snazzy clothes. Most of them had family, nature, and simple things. What is wrong with our generation? Why can't we slow down and enjoy? Why must we be texting all of the time? Why can't we just sit and enjoy life? Why do we have to go to the mall and 'hang out?' And the sad thing is, it's not just young people. Our parents have fallen into the trap of the speedyness. Going and going. Never stopping!

If God grants you the years to live until you are 80, will you be disappointed that you didn't spend more quality time with people? That you spent your life texting and never had any deep relationships with anyone?

Okay, just something to ponder. Try to enjoy the simple, sweet things that we are so blessed with. Don't look past the things that truly matter - the things that make this life so beautiful.
